Thanks for your replies. I cannot possibly answer you questions fully here with this limited space. I guess you'll have to buy the book to get the full answer. I argued for 40 years and don't particularly want to do it here. However, I will say that each person who has ever lived, has had an opinion - its the way we're made. Its good because we can think deeply about who we are and what we want to become. Judgment is simply saying something is either right or wrong. I don't believe that God does this in any way, contrary to popular belief. If we all decided to stop classifying everything as right or wrong, then things would be better. Yes there is corruption the world, but it happens because we're all trying to learn to become the highest qualities of God - namely unconditional love - this will take centuries. Unfortunately we can't learn some things until we've experienced them. I believe about 10% of the bible, after studying it for 40 years. It contains thousands of contradictions, just as with other books. However, I believe every book is from God - for everything is created by God - if you believe the bible? We learn from ALL things, not just the things we want to pick and choose.
There are some things that will never be understandable - for they are not meant to be. For instance, how the planets just sit out there in space and do what they do? The same is true in trying to understand life. There are some things that will never make sense and there is no right or wrong answer. Things are what they are. God has a plan and we can't see the whole picture. The best we can do is take little pieces of it, as it enters our consciusness and make sense of it, forming an opinion and thus a belief system. Whatever that is for you, is what is right for you - and it's ok to God - for God created you with whatever you've got. It's not up to me or anyone else to tell you,coax or persuade you any different. You make your own decisions, for nobody is like you. You are unique, becuase that's the way you were created. And by the way, don't listen to anybody else, if it doesn't feel right to you - this includes me! We're all just here to help each other realize who we really are and what we want - that's all. We do this by trial and error, in finding out what we need to grow in the highest qualities of God - namely unconditional love.
If it moves you then, by all means buy the book. It it doesn't, then you aren't meant to read it. But you will continue reading and taking in more information - for that's what we all live for - growth - regardless of what you want to define it as. We're all moving closer to the highest qualities of God - we want the highest qualities, because we tired of the lower qualities - as evidenced by much of the pain in the world today. Several centuries from now, we will have grown closer to that place - it's meant to be.